Each drink has its own charm and macchiato is no exception. Since its appearance, macchiato has surprised many people with its enchanting taste. So it’s no wonder that macchiato is well received by diners all over the world, becoming one of the most loved drinks.
What is macchiato? And why is it so “hot” that it appears on the menu of all popular and famous cafes? Let’s Dickscourtroom show you the knowledge of this drink right here!
What is a Macchiato?
Macchiato is also known by many other names such as Caffe Macchiato or Espresso Macchiato. It is a form of espresso, which has a layer of milk foam on top. It possesses a strong flavor that immediately captures the senses of diners.
Macchiato in Italian means “speckled”. It is used by bartenders as a common term. Along with Cappuccino and Latte, Macchiato is the signature coffee that makes up the famous Italian coffee culture.
Macchiato is a name derived from bartenders to distinguish it from two flavors of Cappuccino and Latte. Although there are many different versions, Espresso Macchiato and Latte Macchiato are considered the two most successful and popular variations of Macchiato. If you are a fan of the passionate flavor of coffee and like creativity and originality, then Macchiato is the ideal choice.
The main ingredients that make up a Macchiato are espresso and milk. The perfect combination of black tea, milk tea, or coffee with greasy milk cream has made drinkers fall in love and be immersed in the ecstatic delicious taste, faint aroma, greasy taste but not bored. It can be said that although appearing on the market for a long time, the Macchiato still retains its attraction.
What types of macchiato are there?

There are 3 outstanding types of Macchiato. They are Espresso macchiato, Latte macchiato and Caramel macchiato.
Espresso macchiato
Espresso macchiato is a drink for those who love strong and bitter flavors because the main ingredient in this Macchiato is coffee. There is only a small amount of hot whipped milk and a little bit of milk foam in the Espresso macchiato. Hence, their taste will often be a bit bitter.
Latte macchiato
In contrast to Espresso macchiato, the main ingredient in Latte macchiato is mainly hot whipped fresh milk with a very thick layer of milk foam, while coffee content accounts for very little. This creates a rich and aromatic drink for those who love sweetness.
Caramel macchiato
This drink has a special caramel sauce with a rich flavor. Because of the new taste, this is considered one of the drink recipes that are loved and chosen by many young people when hanging out with friends.
Steps to make a great macchiato
Materials to prepare:
● 200 ml pasteurized fresh milk
● 20 ml caramel sauce
● 5 ml water sugar
Preparation tools:
Beater (if available) otherwise you can still use a hand whisk, cup, spoon, etc.
Processing steps:
● Pour the milk into the bowl and use the whisk or beater to create foam.
● Put 15 ml of caramel sauce and water sugar in the same amount as originally prepared into the bottom of the glass.
● Take some thin foam around the sides of the glass and a thicker layer of foam over the caramel.
● Pour the whipped milk into the center of the glass, this amount will be about 0.3 cm from the top of the glass.
● Pour the espresso into the glass so that the coffee is between the milk and the milk foam.
● Add 1 teaspoon of foam over the coffee and use 5 ml of caramel sauce or coffee powder to decorate for macchiato more eye-catching.
Thanks to just a few simple steps, you now have a Macchiato glass with 3 distinct layers that are not only delicious but also extremely attractive.

Frequently Asked Questions
How to drink macchiato properly?
● Without a straw
With other drinks, you may use a straw to drink. However, with a macchiato, you will not drink through a straw but drink it directly by sipping small sips to enjoy its great flavor.
● Drink layer by layer
First, you will drink the top layer of milk foam to feel the bitter taste. Then drink to the next layer with milk and coffee flavors blended together, it feels great.
With this drink, you will feel all the flavors of the macchiato, not only that the milk foam will stick on your mouth like a mustache. It will be a very enjoyable experience.
● Mix and drink
Originally, a glass of Macchiato is divided into distinct layers with different flavors. There are some people who do not like to drink each layer but choose to mix it up and then sip like that to feel the bitter taste of coffee, the sweetness of milk, the fatty taste of caramel sauce. With this style of drinking, everything seems to melt in the mouth, the feeling is really great.

How to distinguish between 3 types of coffee: cappuccino, latte, and macchiato?
Even for the most connoisseur of coffee, it can be difficult to tell the difference among 3 popular drinks like cappuccino, latte, and macchiato in terms of ingredients, caffeine content, and nutritional value.
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About preparation:
One of the main differences between these three caffeinated beverages is how they are prepared.
● Cappuccino
Cappuccino is a popular type of coffee consisting of espresso with steamed milk and milk foam. Typically, the ingredients are equal to about 1/3 espresso, 1/3 whipped milk, and 1/3 milk foam. This gives the cappuccino a creamy and smooth taste.
● Latte
The term “café latte” literally translates to milk coffee. While there is no standard recipe for making a latte, it usually involves adding steamed milk to espresso. In some cases, it is also covered with light milk foam, sugar, or sweetener.
Compared to cappuccinos and macchiatos, lattes have a lighter and slightly sweeter flavor because they contain a greater percentage of whipped milk.
● Macchiato
According to the traditional recipe, the macchiato is made by combining espresso with a small amount of milk. However, many other variations of a macchiato (include latte macchiato) are created by adding espresso to a glass of hot milk.
Because macchiato usually has a small amount of milk, it has a much stronger coffee flavor than the drinks above. A macchiato is also much smaller than other drinks. The standard for a cup of macchiato is just 37 ml.
Caffeine content:
All three drinks contain similar amounts of caffeine in the standard espresso concoction.
In fact, an average 475 ml cappuccino and an average 475 ml latte each contain about 173 mg of caffeine.
Meanwhile, 60 ml of macchiato has half the above caffeine with just over 85 mg.
Nutritional value:
Cappuccinos, macchiatos, and lattes contain diverse amounts of whipped milk and milk foam, which vary the respective nutritional values of each. Their nutritional composition is also affected by the type of milk used. Besides, the addition of sugar or sweeteners also makes them have different nutritional values.
● Lattes contain the most milk and have the highest calories, fat, and protein content.
● Cappuccinos contain slightly less milk but still provide a good amount of calories, protein, and fat per serving.
● On the other hand, macchiatos contain only a small amount of milk and are significantly lower in calories, fat as well as protein.
In short, cappuccino, latte, and macchiato are prepared according to different recipes, which give them their own unique flavors and textures.
In this article, you will not only gain useful knowledge about the famous Italian coffee – Macchiato but also learn the perfect Macchiato recipe. Hope this knowledge will help you to have the answer for “What is a macchiato” and prepare more delicious dishes to make the drink menu more diverse for your beloved family.
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